Douglas County legal - 13905

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The Douglas County Community

Development, in accordance with National

Flood Insurance Program regulation 65.7(b)

(1), hereby gives notice of Douglas County’s

intent to revise the flood hazard information,

generally located near Buckeye Road, just

east of U.S. Hwy 395. Specifically, the flood

hazard revisions are being proposed as part

of a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) for a

recently completed project affecting Buckeye

Creek and Martin Slough floodplains.

1. The floodway will be revised from

approximately 1,650 feet upstream of Lucerne

Street to approximately 450 feet upstream of

Buckeye Road along Martin Slough;

2. Base Flood Elevations (BFEs) will increase

along Martin Slough;

3. Base Flood Elevations will increase and

decrease along Buckeye Creek; and

4. The SFHA will increase and decrease

along Buckeye Creek.

Maps and detailed analysis of the floodplain

revision can be reviewed at the office of

R.O. Anderson Engineering, Inc., at 1603

Esmeralda Avenue, Minden, Nevada 89423 or

at Douglas County Community Development

office at 1594 Esmeralda Avenue, Minden, NV

89423. Interested persons may call Shaker

Gorla, P.E., CFM, Senior Hydraulic Engineer

with R.O. Anderson at (775) 782-2322 or may

call the engineer on duty for Douglas County

Community Development at (775) 782-6235

for additional information.

Pub: June 10, 2021 Ad#13905